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He wrote a letter, asking others to write to him. He put the letter in a bottle and threw the bottle into the sea. Two years later, a man found the bottle on a beach in Italy. He read the letter and showed it to his daughter. She was 18. As a joke, she wrote to the sailor. They began to write to each other. In a few months, they were married. Here is the second story. Back in 1924, a boy from Arkansas wrote his name on the back of his picture. He put the picture in a bottle and threw the bottle into a river. The bottle was not found for many years. Then one day a man named Bill picked it up on a beach in Florida. He pulled the picture out of the bottle and looked at it. He could hardly believe his eyes. The boy in the picture was his old friend, Tom, from Arkansas. Bill had not seen Tom for 25 years. Somehow the bottle had come to the right place. 1. What is the main idea of the whole story? A. Sailing on a ship. B. Sending a message in a bottle. C. Sending a message to Italy. D. How to send a message. 2. After the sailor wrote a letter, what did he do? A. He threw the letter away. B. He put the letter in a bottle. C. He found a bottle on a beach. D. He posted it by airmail. 3. What did the sailor and the girl from Italy do when they were young? A. They grew up together. B. They went to the same school. C. They had not known each other. D. They worked in the same office. 4. How was Bill when he looked at the picture of Tom? A. He was unhappy. B. He was surprised. C. He was tired. D. He was angry. 5. At the end of the story, about how old were Bill and Tom? A. 12 years old B. 25 years old C. at least 25 years old D. 52 years old Key: BBCBC Passage 2 When I was about 12, I suddenly developed a great passion for writing poetry. I gave up all my other hobbies, such as colleting stamps, and spent all my spare time reading poetry and writing it. This habit of writing poetry on every possible occasion soon got me into trouble at school. If a lesson did not interest me, I would take out my notebook and start writing poems in class. One day while I was busy writing a poem during a geography lesson, I looked up to find the teacher angrily standing over me because I was not paying attention. He tore the poem up, with a warning not to waste time in his class. All the same I was convinced that I had written a good poem, so that evening I wrote it out again from memory. Not long after, I read about a poetry contest and I decided to send in my poem. Weeks later I got a letter informing me I had won first prize. Everyone at school was very surprised except that geography teacher, who watched me more carefully than ever. 6. What was the speakers hobby at one time? A. Playing cards. B. Collecting Stamps. C. Writing poetry. D. Playing football. 7. When did the speaker develop his interest in writing poetry? A. At the age of 12. B. At the age of 14. C. At the age of 16. D. At the age of 19. 8. Why was the teacher angry with the speaker? A. He hadnt finished his homework. B. He was reading poems in class. C. He was writing poems in class. D. He couldnt answer the teachers questions. 9. What did the speaker do with his poem? A. He sent it to his friend. B. He had published in a newspaper. C. He sent it to a poetry contest. D. He polished it again and again. 10. How did the teacher behave after the speaker got a prize? A. He praised him in class. B. He did not change his attitude. C. He criticized him in class. D. He recommended him to a poetry club. Key: C A C C B Thats the End of Listening Comprehension     PAGE  PAGE 2 8Z}~=M]vxyNdVDWDm^N`gd,dVDWDm^`gd,kl'(56jk  -.XYz{  xyKd/Uefz{%"1267\Ǽhs 5CJ\aJhs 5CJ\aJo(hs OJQJaJo(hs B*aJo(phhs 5aJo( hs aJo( hs aJIy Kd} /U%LNdVDWDm^`gd,PdVDWD^`Pgd,"12\^_abdeghqrs~&`#$$a$ WDd`gd,dVDWDm^`gd,\]_`bcefhiopqstz{|}~hs 5CJ\aJo(hc0JmHnHuhs hs 0Jjhs UhujhuU0182P. 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