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Then the captain came.He said,  Madam, I am the captain of this plane.The weather is fine, there are no clouds in the sky, and everything is going very well. But she continued to hide. So the captain turned and started to go back.Then the old lady looked out from under the blanket with one eye and said,  I am sorry, young man, but I don2 t like planes and I am never going to fly again.But I2 ll say one thing, She continued kindly,  You and your wife keep your plane very clean! 51.An old lady had A.glasses B.a blanket over her head C.a coat D.a basket 52.She didn2 t want to A.take it off B.turn it off C.get on D.talk about it 53.____spoke to her A.The air hostess B.The man next to her C.Her husband D.One of her friends 54.The old lady had never been____ before. A.abroad B.home C.in a plane D.in hospital 55.The woman didnt like planes and she was never going_____ A.to fly again B.to travel C.to go abroad D.to go home (B) Valencia is in the east part of Spain.It has a port on the sea, two miles away on the coast.It is the capital of a province that is also named Valencia.The city is a market centre for what is produced by the land around the city.Most of the city2 s money is made from farming.It is also a busy business city, with ships, railways, clothes and machine factories.Valencia has an old part with white buildings, colored roofs, and narrow streets.The modern part has long, wide streets and new buildings.Valencia is well known for its parks and gardens.It has many old churches and museums.The university in the centre of the city was built in the 13th century.The city of Valencia has been known since the 2nd century.In the 8th century it was the capital of Spain.There is also an important city in VenezuelaYQ^tb named Valencia. 56.From the text, how many places have the name Valencia A.one B.two C.three D.four 57.What is the main difference between the two parts of Valencia A.The color of the building.B.The length of the streets. C.The age of the buildings. D.The color of the roofs. 58.When was Valencia the most important city in Spain A.2nd century. B.8th century. C.13th century. D.20th century. 59.What is Valencia famous for A.Its seaport. B.Its university. C.Its churches and museums. D.Its parks and gardens. The main income of the city of Valencia is from its A.markets B.business C.factories D.farming (C) Dick lived in England.One day in January he said to his wife,  I2 m going to fly to New York next week because I2 ve got some work there.  Where are you going to stay there? his wife asked. I don2 t know yet. Dick answered. Please send me your address from there in a telegram, his wife said. All right, Dick answered. He flew to New York on January 31st and found a nice hotel in the center of the city.He put his things in his room and then he sent his wife a telegram.He put the address of his hotel in it. In the evening he didn2 t have any work, so he went to a cinema.He came out at nine o2 clock and said,  Now I2 m going back to my hotel and have a nice dinner. He found a taxi and the driver said,  Where do you want to go? But Dick didn2 t remember the name and address of his hotel.  Which hotel are my things in? he said,  And what am I going to do tonight? But the driver of the taxi did not know.So Dick got out and went into a post office.There he sent his wife another telegram, and in it he wrote,  Please send me my address at this post office. 61.Dick flew to New York because_______ . A.he went there for a holiday B.he had worked there C.he went there for sightseeing D.his home was there 62.Why did his wife want a telegram from him? A.Because she didn2 t know his address yet. B.Because she wanted to go to New York, too. C.Because she might send him another telegram. D.Because she couldn2 t leave her husband by himself in New York. 63.Where did Dick stay in New York? A.In the center of the city. B.In a hotel. C.In a restaurant. D.At his friend2 s house. 64.Who would send him the name and address of his hotel? A.The manager of his hotel. B.The police office. C.The taxi driver. D.His wife. 65.Which of the following is not true? A.Dick stayed at a nice hotel in the center of the city. B.Dick didn2 t work on the first night of his arrival. C.Dick forgot to send his wife a telegram. D.Dick wanted to go back to his hotel in a taxi. 0ey{|LN!jWW0 (D) Mexico2 s neighbors are the United States to the north and Guatemala and Belize to the south.Mexico is about one quarter of the size of the United States.Mexico has more than ninety million people.The language of Mexico is Spanish.This makes Mexico the world2 s largest Spanish-speaking country. Mexico City is the capital and largest city of Mexico.The city is also very high.It is 7349 feet high (2240 meters).This makes it one of the highest capital cities in the world.The population of Mexico City grows bigger every day.About thirty million people live there.It has more people than any other city in the world, even more than Tokyo. Mexico also has its specialties.Many of the foods we eat started in Mexico.Foods like beans, maize, avocados, tomatoes, peanuts, chili peppers, vanilla, and chocolate come from Mexico.Mexico is also famous for its cactus (NNc) plants.Mexico has more kinds of cactus than any other country. 66.Mexico is____ the USA. A.on the south of B.on the north of C.a part of D.as large as 67.Mexicans speak _____ A.English B.Spanish C.French D.Latin 68.Which of the following is NOT true? A.Mexico City is the capital of Mexico. B.The population of Mexico City is 30,000,000. C.Tokyo is one of the cities with the largest population. D.Mexico City is the highest city in the world. 69.Tomatoes were originally grown in_____ . A.America B.Spain C.Tokyo D.Mexico 70.The best title of the passage is______ . A.Mexico City . B.Mexico2 s plants C.Mexico D.Mexico2 s population 0]y{|LN!jWW0 D Snow fell on the mountain.It snowed and snowed.The snow did not melt.It became deep and heavy.The snow on the bottom pressed together.It became ice. The ice was very wide and thick.It began to move down the mountain.It was like a river of ice.It was a glacier. Sometimes the glacier moved only a few inches each day.As it moved, it took rocks and dirt with it.It changed the land.In some places, it left hills.In some places, when the glacier melted, it made rivers and lakes. A million years ago, there were many big glaciers.Glaciers covered many parts of the world.The glaciers changed the land. Glaciers are still at work today.A glacier in the north of Canada is cutting a new path down the side of a mountain.This glacier will change the land, too. 66.The snow that fell on the mountain______ . A.became snowman B.melted C.became ice D.turned to rain 67.The word in the story that means a river of ice is_____ . A.river B.glacier C.ice D.path 68.The story says,  The snow did not melt.It became deep and heavy .The word  it means . A.snowman B.snow C.ice D.rain 69.Which of the following does this story lead you to believe? A.There are not as many glaciers as there used to be B.Glaciers do not change the land as they move over it C.Glaciers are found only in warm places D.Glacier are found everywhere 70.The main idea of the whole story is that____ A.snow is heavy B.the high land never changes C.glaciers changed the land D.glaciers never move ^ b N0we9e,g'YqQ10\ k\1R qQ10R dkBl9eck@b~we-Nv [kNL\OQ$Re0Ye (WLS*j~ N;uN*NR(")Y g(kLS gN*N) R c NR`Q9eckLYN*N͋bYYOv͋(ue~(/)Rc (WLS*j~ NQQ͋ v^_N(ue~Rc0 L:N*N͋(W:͋YRN*NoW[&{S('") (WLS*j~ NQQ勠Rv͋0 LN*N͋(Wv͋ NRN*j~ (WLS*j~ NQQ9eckTv͋0 laSSl gv N9e0 While traveled to Paris on a bus, I became very sick 71. A well-dressing man on the bus helped me greatly.He 72. took me off the bus, found out where the doctor2 s office 73. and took me to there himself.The next day, he came 74. to visit me.I didn2 t speak French well, so I can2 t talk with 75. him very much.However, even if we couldn2 t talk, but 76. we could communicate.I communicated myself thanks 77. to his great kindness, and he communicated his concern 78. for my healthy.Through this experience I have learned 79. that communication can take place without much actual 80. language at all. mQ0Q\O20R :NNO Tf[NfReP^_PN0Wb f[!hQ[T Tf[N_Bl^0GPY`O/fsf (uT!hQN{100͋]Sv^O0 lae-N^S+T@b gp v^S_S%c0  NQsw[v!h TTY T f[!h Y_>eVfN ~~fYvYO;mR ^ lOX g ce N Xhnpf0Qnx0uR0 g       PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 3 pފ\^ґjؓTX "$` & Fdh$dha$dh`bZ\|~ҞFh  D أ&ZХإ$&$dha$dh&֪تPܭޭXTȯ(ưfƱαбܳ޳$dha$dhV\Lʺ42hjt$@|dhdhNR djz|28:<>@BDFHJLNPRTVXZ\ÿÿÿÿhA hA^JjhAUmHnHuh%}a h%}a^Jjh%}aU^JhACJOJQJ^JaJo(hACJOJQJ^JaJhA>*CJOJQJ^JaJ@468<>BDHJNPTVXZ\G$gdp&dh\^ʼhACJOJQJ^JaJhA hA^JhACJ^JaJheBCJaJmHnHuhACJaJjhACJUaJ :182PP:pp&. 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